Learning To Meditate

Find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. Take the phone off the hook. Tell other occupants not to bother you. Sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight.

Place your hands on your knees. Close your eyes, and listen to yourself breathing. Don't try and force an unnatural breathing pattern, just listen to yourself breathe. After a while you may notice that your breathing has become slower, and deeper. Feel it.

Feel the way the wind goes up your nostrils, and the way it rushes out. Feel how your diaphragm expands and shrinks with each breath. Listen to the sound the air makes as it passes through the nasal passages. Feel your heartbeat. Feel how steady it is, how calm, how perfect.

After a few moments, become aware of your body. Your body is your temple. Your body is your magick. Be aware of how it feels. Is it heavy or light? Does it tingle? As you sit there, aware of breath, heartbeat, and total body, let whatever comes into your mind be fully explored.

This is your inner guide talking to you. Experience full colour, full sound, full scent. Don't think or analyze, just let images and shadows come and go as they please.

When you are finished, stand up, stretch out, clap your hands together and say your name out loud. This will bring you back to the normal world. I advise you to do this at least once a day, and always before a magickal working.

source unknown

Chant for Good Grades

This is a spell to help you do well on tests. You still have to listen to what the teachers say and do your homework, but this should help you from making careless mistakes. Don't expect the god/dess to do all the work for you! You can draw a pentacle one your paper if you want, but you don�t have to. Throughout the day before taking the test say the following:

"On this test I take today I will receive no less than "A". Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea As I say so mote it be!"

Now take the test and you can even say it a few times while taking the test. Say it in your head so others won't be disturbed.

This page made by Athena Mystic on 11-14-2006 �